In 2014, Ana Marta Satyro enters the story. She joins Warley as the company's technical head and soon undertakes a change of vision.
Aninha, born and raised in Itabira, a chemist by training, thought that this treasure produced among the hills of Ipoema should travel the world, while Warley´s world was to relentless improve this jewel.
This union brought all that was needed for building a cachaça producing company.Ana Marta then gathered her own family and made a proposal: to found Mineiriana Her brother-in-law, Nilson, and her brother, Luiz, agreed, and the three of them became partners in the distillery.With Ana Marta in the still the production processes have improved, the aging methods gained sophistication, and the cachaça became more complex, fragrant and mysterious.
And it got a new name to mark this crossing: Cachaça Mineiriana.Ana Marta began to work inside and outside the distillery’s door, and Mineiriana gained wings. It spread to Minas Gerais and other states, always reaping the praise of connoisseurs.
This victorious path leaded to an important award in the Cachaça Summit Ranking, the most prestigious contest in the sector: in its 2020 edition Mineiriana Carvalho was chosen the fifth best cachaça in Brazil in the Premium/Extra category. In September 2021 Mineiriana Carvalho won the Grand Gold Medal at the Brazil Wine and Spirits Competition and, still in 2021, it won the Silver Medal at the Brussels World Competition.
In February 2022, Mineiriana Carvalho was once again well awarded in the Cachaça Summit Ranking as the tenth best cachaça in the same Premium/Extra category. In the second half of the same year, Mineiriana won the Gold Medal at the World Competition in Brussels. And it keeps going around the world heading to new awards.There in Ipoema, nothing has changed in the routine.
The still continues to gush cachaça with a quality that only the combination of detail-oriented eyes and the old wisdom of artisanal production can provide.
A label that looks like usOur “Minas Gerais – like” identity is marked by urban culture, without losing the simplicity of the countryside. This is reflected in our cachaças. We work with traditional flavors, but we try hard to give our cachaças something different – creating a link between the knowledge of the past and the innovations that lead us to the future.
The Minas Gerais towns have always represented a quest for the future, which relentless creates a singular culture and, above all, the musicality that characterizes these lands. This musicality – harmonious, daring, sweet and spicy – is in the soul of each cachaça marked by Mineiriana´s label.
Our province is defined by its cities – of all sizes –, and among them stands Belo Horizonte.
The capital grew rapidly in the twentieth century as a symbol of the quest for renewal and modernization, which is found since the beginning in Mineiriana´s history.
The art deco style, typical of the 1920s, spread its geometric shapes through a city that affirmed its bohemian character, although always honoring the traditions of Minas Gerais: the cracknel, the sausage, the unhurried prose and, of course, the cachaça have always been present. The urban spirit, the drive for renewal, the pleasure of living the things of the earth... These brands merge and complete each other in the soul of Minas Gerais, and were the inspiration for the Cachaça Mineiriana´s labels.
The graphic mosaics refer to iconic buildings of the capital of Minas Gerais, such as Cine Brasil and the Santa Tereza Viaduct. However, a certain air of indigenous painting and Afro printing permeates the traces of the labels developed by Thereza Nardelli – in her artisanal work that looks like a lace.The texture of the labels is porous, full of layers and subtleties, like the plasters of buildings that start to give in to time.
The brightness appears discreet, modest, but rich in details such as the equilateral triangle of the flag of Minas, which shines because of the metal still present on the streets and hills of Itabira.
The labels are our introduction letters and express, even before the bottle´s opening, the experience we want to provide with Cachaça Mineiriana.
The Mineiriana comes from Ipoema, district of Itabira, historical village located on the paths of the Estrada Real (Royal Road), through which the gold mined in Minas Gerais (General Mines) province was transported to the sea in the 18th century.
Mineiriana also goes to the world, as another treasure found in the same province.But let's start our story at the beginning, which takes us back in the 1930s, to the village of Alvinopolis. At that time, Dede Andrade, grandfather of Warley Andrade - who still works at Mineiriana -, produced artisanal cachaça to sell in the region.
The mill and the stone mill were powered by the water wheel that remains at the same place. Despite the fact that Dede´s cachaça had gained some fame, his children did not continue his work, and went through other paths.Many years later Afonso, one of Dede's sons, bought a farm in Ipoema and decided to resume the family's tradition. It seemed fun and heartwarming, and he proudly started reproducing the artisanal techniques that made Dede´s cachaça famous in the past.
In the late 1990s, however, Warley, Afonso's son and Dede´s grandson, decided to take it seriously.Warley hired skilled professionals to design a brand-new distillery, ordered high quality equipment, and quit his job as a bailiff. From then on, his life would be the quest for the best cachaça.
Cachaça Ipoema (which became Mineiriana) was born. On the label there was a picture of Warley's grandfather and the dedication: "to the master." Dede witnessed Warley´s first steps, but not the opening of the distillery.
He died at the age of 92, in 2002, but had time to pass on to his grandson the secrets and traditions of craftsmanship and the importance of respecting the rhythm dictated by nature, which will always be the non-negotiable pillars of Mineiriana´s production.